From the recording Precincts of Felicity

Precincts of Felicity is the single from Edgar Breau's new album, Shadows of Ecstasy. Edgar Breau is the founder/leader of internationally acclaimed Canadian artrock cult band, Simply Saucer.


Precincts of Felicity
Sacred river runs down to an unknown sea,
a slender, silver, sliver delivering me
straight as a crooked arrow up to William's house
esemplastic power emanating from his mouth
Kick that stone!
Don't prove it's there!
Look through dim windows
I really don't care
I'm off to the precincts
straight to those precincts
those perilous, pre, pre precincts of felicity

A raucous riddle runs round the academic brain
vital memory's lost took a fast freight train
cacaphony, ratio baloney-o
Mirror on mirror mirrored is all of the show
Kick that stone!
Don't prove it's there!
Look through dim windows,
I really don't care
I'm off to the precincts
straight to those precincts
those perilous, pre, pre precincts of felicity

Precincts of Felicity

Precincts of Felici